Staying Alive.

If you’re seriously ready to learn how to survive in any given environment with only your own head and hands to help you, then protection is a crucial first step.
Survival in the military sense presents serious threats which obviously aren’t found in your average British woodland. 

This could be: 

Enemy fire
Aerial attack
Invasion / capture. 

If you’re seriously ready to learn how to survive in any given environment with only your own head and hands to help you, then protection is a crucial first step. 

Aside from the hostile scenarios listed above, here are some other things you may wish to seek protection from on a day out in the wild: 

The Elements
Falling rock 

Protecting yourself from danger, in a nutshell, is regularly risk assessing your situation. 

How are the cloud formations? What do they suggest about approaching weather systems? 
What are the dangers around you? Is it wildlife? Make a fire ASAP.
How can you most greatly minimise the risk to yourself?

Stay sharp, stay safe. 


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